I still remember it was April 20th, 2015 in a small meeting room at Lake Hart (Cru’s global HQ in Orlando) where a few of us were in a planning meeting.
We were asking the question… ‘how can we guide our global movement towards digital maturity, so that we can adequately serve 10 million multiplying disciples by year 2020?’
The idea for ‘Digital School of Leadership‘ was hatched that day!
God was already orchestrating this move, and we had the privilege to play a part to shape what would become the curriculum to equip our leaders and volunteers to think, engage and maximize digital strategies to build His kingdom.
We launched this whole idea in January 2016, and in less than 18 months, we’ve seen 319 global leaders and volunteers complete Digital School of Leadership (DSL). Lillian and I have been part of 3 gatherings (all in Asia), while others in Latin America, the Middle East, Europe etc. have been going on this past year. Here are some snapshots.
Here are some snapshots….

DSL Asia in Pattaya (with participants from Mongolia, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines)

Participants from Taiwan ‘multiplied’ themselves quickly! Right after they returned from DSL Asia, they conducted another training for their counterparts!
While I was training our South Asian brothers and sisters last February, I remember sitting in the classroom being so thrilled… watching them learn and explore the possibilities of leveraging all sorts of digital tools and platforms to reach the multitudes in India. My heart welled up with gratefulness to the Lord for all that he’s done! And to think that I got to play a part in making all this happen is just so beyond me.
And to think that I got to play a part in making all this happen is just so beyond me. Thank you, Jesus, for counting me in this great adventure of Yours! =)