Today I did some ‘formal’ homeschooling time with Josh in the morning.
Lil had a women’s mentoring meeting, I was on off-in-lieu, so I offered to help. So I did 2 topics, Bible and History as instructed by the teacher! =)
It was quite fun actually…
basically, I just read thru the bible story with Josh (today’s was on Noah & the Ark). And then have him narrate back to, without seeing the text. Then it was History, takend 50 famous short stories or something liddat.. “The Sword of Domacles“. Interesting story abt this rich king, and peril of power
Josh did a fantastic job in narrating, he spoke fluently, and he can even remember specific phrases in the text. But used his own words when he can’t remember the exact words. Except that I found out later that he didn’t understand some of the words he had memorized. For e.g. ‘The servants were at the King’s bidding…’ He could say exactly those words, but he did not know what bidding mean. So I had to explain…
Yesterday, I also did an informal teaching on the concept of ‘volume’.
I had ‘accidently’ produced a cylindrical shaped apple core.. when I used one of these apple corers to cut some fruits for the kids. And I asked if you knew what shape it’s called.
From there I explained to him more about ‘cylindrical’, ‘circumference’, ‘volume’, ‘measurement’ etc. We searched the internet, we learn the spelling of the words. Josh spelt ‘circumference’ completely correct, without my help! (smile of a proud father!)
I can see in this boy a perfectionistic tendency, always wanting to get things right and to the dot. So much so that he may fear starting or trying to do if he know he can’t get it up to a certain standard.
We’re into week 2 of homeschooling… so far it seems quite good fr my point of view. Lil’s a rather capable and patient teacher.. =) But for Lil’s point of view abt homeschooling so far.. u gotta read her blog.