God often works even when we don’t see it. Every once in a while, we get a glimpse of it, and tonight was one of those nights. 🙂
7 people came for our meet-up this evening. One guy, Anil shared that Indigitous Bangalore (which I helped organized this February) helped inspire and clarify for him the desire to start his own media company! His company is distinctively mission-minded, with the desire to create short clips that lead to spiritual conversations.
The girl in the middle, Deepti, who works in IBM marketing & communications, started a blog ‘WonderCatcher‘ specifically targeted at reaching the lost, communicating hope and love to a hopeless world.
By God’s grace, Indigitous has had an impact on them, and they continue to take steps of faith, in their desire to be used by Him.
The movement keeps growing! So cool for me to get a inside glimpse of God at work!
Thanks for praying for my time here in India!