The past week has been quite an adventure…
I first went in for my in-camp training with a rather heavy heart… basically, feeling negative about the whole army thing– this whole sudden thrust from a civilian sedentary life to a rigorous, regimented life in green!
But somehow, like always, I knew God had something in store for me.. to learn to be His child, and His witness.
What transpired then were days of seeing clearly how God worked in my heart, and through me.
I shared my life, and my faith with about 8-9 people.. all soldiers I met for the first time. Through several unique ‘divine’ appointments and opportunities that clearly presented itself, I encouraged one Christian brother (who was feeling rather down-hearted), engaged in a deep conversation about the Christian faith with one guy, and discussed about spiritual issues with several others.
I’m sharing this not to say that I’m a super-Christian… but to demonstrate that it’s God who was working; and that He does it so wonderfully when one is relaxed and willing!
I guess I was simply experiencing what my Senior Pastor in my church has been emphasizing all this while…. to be a PDA Christian! (To walk in Personal Revival, trust God for Divine Appointments, and seek to practice Active Obedience)
Through it all… this has turned out to be one of the most enjoyable in-camp training I’ve ever been though! God is sooo good!